Paesaggio, architettura e luce sono i protagonisti dell’evento formativo organizzato da Simes in collaborazione con PXC-paesaggistipercaso e b-arch architettura che si terrà martedì 24 luglio presso I Vivai al Parugiano.…
Sono iniziati martedì 16 marzo 2024 lavori di riqualificazione del parco A. Baldessari ad Albiano. Obiettivo del progetto è quello di realizzare un parco inclusivo, capace di offrire numerose e…
Inaugurato il nuovo ricovero automezzi dei Vigili del Fuoco e magazzino comunale a firma PXC-paesaggistipercaso, un intervento strategico che si affianca ad altre importanti opere pubbliche volute dall’Amministrazione comunale per…
On the occasion of the CNAPPC initiative Open! Open Studios 2023 the PXC-paesaggistipercaso studio inaugurates its new Trento office in via delle Ghiaie 2A. In the temporary garden, presentation of our projects...
Architect specialized in landscape design. Graduated in 1999 from the architecture department in Florence, he subsequently obtained the master in landscape design in 2005.
Co-founder and partner of PXC, he is project manager and works supervisor. He mainly deals with private garden design, the study of historical and archeological landscape, the restoration of historic parks and gardens.
From 2000 to 2006 he collaborates with the landscape architect Mariachiara Pozzana in Florence working in the field of private gardens and restoration of historic parks.
From 2009 he is member of landscape commissions in many municipalities of Firenze, Prato and Pistoia provinces.
He was a teacher in the landscape design lab of the “Specialization course for maintenance of historic parks” organized by the associations Paesaggi e Giardini and Per Boboli.
He collaborates with Cooperativa Archeologia scrl as a consultant for the landscape design in archeological sites.
Creative and meticolous, he loves fly fishing (rigorously no kill) and landscape photography
Creative and meticolous, he loves fly fishing (rigorously no kill) and landscape photography